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Re: Angry - our club is dying

By Count Scarlioni3/12/2023 16:27Sun Dec 3 16:27:19 2023In response to Re: Angry - our club is dying

Views: 1373

Not only have these people moved us to what is frankly the middle of nowhere, they have also allowed standards to drop so we now have a relegation team and will surely drop to step four. That is a massive drop in status and quality and surely we will continue to diminish before our eyes unless we start playing in Kingston again somehow. The lack of information about the ground is extraordinary to say nothing of the blundering waste of six or seven years on a wild goose chase on Lovelace Road. The board must know they have let the fans and the team down again, and again and again. They should now stand aside and let the fans of KBH take over. One can only wonder what the reason for their continued grip on the club is given what might be kindly described as their woeful track record.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Angry - our club is dying by Gerald Petit3/12/2023 18:46Sun Dec 3 18:46:17 2023

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