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Re: Player of the season

By KsOllie16/4/2024 11:46Tue Apr 16 11:46:49 2024In response to Re: Player of the season

Views: 632

The club obviously does not want the supporters club to be involved or to do anything at all for that matter.

It seems entirely likely that the football club intends to ban members of the supporters club if it considers their behaviour is toxic to use the words of Simon Lane. I wonder who is going to get banned first.

It is also obvious that the club does not want anything to do with those behind KBH so that is a dead duck too,

At this point we’re going to have crowds of 30s/40s & the club will die quicker.
It’s actually depressing seeing Ks like this & it ain’t right at all. This is becoming a bad look from the inside & outside.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Player of the season by Filipo16/4/2024 11:32Tue Apr 16 11:32:39 2024

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