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Re: Chatham 'Yoof (an update)

By MC29/4 16:42Mon Apr 29 16:42:50 2024In response to Re: Chatham 'Yoof (an update)

Views: 590

Is it just me who thinks this seems a little OTT?

There was clearly one young lad who launched a bottle towards Ks fans (well I think that's what he was aiming for!) and deserves a ban, but the rest of them were surely involved in a bit of a windup more than anything else.

Perhaps not the best behaviour but I suspect we're all guilty of that in a football ground. Bans until the end of the season / conversations with their headteachers seem hugely disproportionate to me.

One of the things I've always liked about Ks is the banter from the terrace and our excellent ability to wind up other fans. We really are the best in non-league at that. We're not the best in non-league at much else.

I'm sure the relevant individuals involved have done similar things at other games so maybe this was for 'persistent fouling', to use a football expression, but unless they go completely over the line (as the bottle thrower clearly did) I'm a bit reluctant to see teenagers banned from football games simply for being, well, slightly misbehaved teenagers.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Chatham 'Yoof (an update) by DaveK29/4 18:18Mon Apr 29 18:18:24 2024

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