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Re: Chatham 'Yoof (an update)

By Cardiff Ks (reximus)29/4/2024 16:55Mon Apr 29 16:55:36 2024In response to Re: Chatham 'Yoof (an update)

Views: 678

Respectfully, I disagree.

There's a difference between banter and actually goading for a fight. And some of those same "slightly misbehaved teenagers" also tried to pick a fight in the car park after the game.

I think a word with their parents and/or teachers is exactly right. I think a ban to the end of the season (when there's only a few games left - so not a "lengthy ban") is again exactly right.

Part of the appeal of no-league football is the absence of any real crowd trouble. The kids came too close to over-stepping the mark, IMHO.

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