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Re: Ambivalence towards this K's team/the club

By MC9/10/2024 10:16Wed Oct 9 10:16:12 2024In response to Ambivalence towards this K's team/the club

Views: 671

For what it's worth, I started doing the Instagram account in early 2018 when it had been dead for a few months, and ran it for a few years. Think we went from 300 to 3000 followers in that time.

I barely bothered at the back-end of last season as we were literally trying to get relegated and playing in bloody Mitcham, so we had nothing to shout about, and then in the summer someone else seemingly took it over so I bowed out.

That person seems to have stopped doing it, so if needed I'd happily do bits for it again.

The funny thing is that one trump card we have as a club is the services of photographer Simon Rowe who is genuinely excellent, so it's an easy enough task.

But of course over the relevant six-year period I've had absolutely no communication with anyone from the club (aside from an email with Rob, always helpful, a couple of years back saying I'd happily keep on doing it so he didn't have to). Kinda think that shows how little the people running from the club care about marketing / communication / getting the club out there.

And as mentioned so many times, some of us who tried to get involved in the running of the club last year do this stuff as our day jobs and (in my view) when we were collectively doing programme / twitter / insta / youtube a couple of years ago the quality was pretty good.

But efforts were never acknowledged by the club, then we were treated pretty badly with regard to takeover stuff, so why would people bother to keep on doing it all?

Anyway, there's been no sign of life on the Instagram for a week. If there's no further action by the weekend, I'll happily start doing it again. That's how 'communication' at this club seems to work!

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