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Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett14/8/2023 16:24Mon Aug 14 16:24:05 2023

Views: 1677

When I received my notification which I assume went to all members it stated that nominations for respective posts and committee members must be made by 4th August 2023.. So unless the newly elected members followed this then their election appears to me to be invalid.
If that is the case then, as there needs to be a motion re the change(s) to the constitution then my view would be to have a vote for the committee with those wishing to stand being nominated/seconded and notified a certain time prior to egm.With this in mind then an egm can be called with members receiving a list of those willing to stand with a brief few words from the individuals as to why members should vote for them. According to my research on the internet the ideal number for a committee is 5-9 people. I am all in favour of new people putting themselves forward and I think my suggestion provides this to happen and doing it properly.
Rex is normally knowledgable on these matters and can correct me if I am wrong

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo14/8/2023 22:50Mon Aug 14 22:50:14 2023In response to Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1400

Wrong Peter. This is not how AGMs work. At an AGM the sitting committee effectively stands down and a new committee is elected for the forthcoming year. This can be new people and / or the sitting committee. Those going for committee have to be proposed and seconded by members present. This happened. If there is more people standing than there are spaces, then a vote for the committee should be conducted by members either at the time or at a convenient time. It was put to the floor by the chair to vote on whether all people up for committee should be endorsed not committee or whether we should have a limited number, thus going to a vote. It was voted for by t(e floor that all people should be elected.
The one thing you are right about is that not all rules seem to be adhered to, or even known by many present, including the sitting committee. More than once members in the floor had to remind the committee of proper procedure.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett14/8/2023 23:26Mon Aug 14 23:26:20 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1381

It seems we differ. The constitution should state the format for electing committee members but no process is stated. The Committee , in preparation of the agm sent a notice to all members advising the agm and stating that anyone willing to stand should be proposed ;, seconded and notified by 4th August. If this didn’t happen then , in my opinion, the election is invalid. If you are saying the committee made a mistake then that is something they can address.
The minutes for 2022 were interesting as the number of c9mmittee members was discussed and the member raising the point commented like I have done that too many committee members is not sensible. (Look at the minutes for exact wording)

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo15/8/2023 09:08Tue Aug 15 09:08:07 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1328

That’s not how these things work Peter. A committee is elected for a year at the AGM. Before the next AGM the sitting committee dissolved and a new one elected. Everyone who is now on the committee was proposed and seconded. That’s how committee’s work. As I’ve said, I’m not sure everything the previous committee was doing was correct, including trying to ask for committee nominations in advance. I’m hoping the new people on the committee can help correct these things that were not being performed correctly.
The number of committee members was discussed, mainly whether to elect everyone proposed or to go to a vote and whether this would mean too many people were on the committee. It was voted on by the members present and, subsequent to the vote, everyone proposed were elected to the committee. This seems to be a change of thinking from 2022, but that is how people voted. You would have been able to vote for, or against, this had you been there. There’s not really much point disagreeing with what happened at the AGM 2023 when you were not there, based on the minutes of 2022 AGM. We are now in a new year for the Supporters Club and what was decided in 2022 is out of date with a new way forward been voted on and agreed by members.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 10:07Tue Aug 15 10:07:58 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1330

Again I disagree. The history of the threads on this forum has indicated a desire for the supporters club to scrutinise the board of directors of Kingstonian fc and Ai assume the 8 candidates that were put forward on the night were to promote that aim.

All eight candidates should have received , 2/3 weeks prior to the agm, the notice of the agm with the process of being ut forward by 4th August.
What it appears we have all eight candidates that either ignored or did not scrutinise the agm notice. I assume none of the eight candidates emailed the supporters club prior to the 4th to question the validity of the process. If none of the eight can scrutinise an easy agm notice or be bothered to question it what makes anybody think they are capable of scrutinising anfd questioning anything else.

Let me repeat what I previously said is that I am in favour of them standing in a process compliant and held in the near future. I would favour a maximum of 9 on the committee as this would be the most efficient.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo15/8/2023 16:49Tue Aug 15 16:49:50 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1312

Again Peter, and I’m not sure how simply I can put this to help you understand, that is not how AGMs work and, again, the sitting committee for the year 2022/2023 were not correct in asking for proposed / seconded candidates in advance. New committees are elected at an AGM. This is one of a few things that the previous committee were not correct in doing. Even the committee didn’t know this themselves where, just a few days before the AGM, people were challenged online by people on the committee to stand for committee. People did, they were proposed and seconded. They were then voted onto a big committee. I’m not sure why you have this bee in your bonnet, Borrett, about having 8 people only. This was voted on and the vote went through to bring everyone proposed / seconded onto committee. If you thought this was too much, you could have voted against it, had you been present. However, reading the room, if 8 only were going onto committee, there would have been a vote by those on the night and I’m not sure the vote would have gone the way you’d have liked, so you’d still be moshing.
Peter, it keeps being explained to you. Everything was official, everything was voted on by those present at the meeting. The AGM has been now adjourned to debate a change in constitution, again so the members of the SC can vote on it. I’m sure you’ll be present at this one to get your vote in.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 23:32Tue Aug 15 23:32:29 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1255

6.6 in the supporters club constitution casts doubt on your view as it specifically mentions propose and secondary for those wishing to stand for the executive committee submitted in advance of the agm. In my reply to Rex earlier I said your view may stand or not. I expect this will be looked at by people with more experience than myself and after consideration will advise.The fact that there is a motion to amend the constituent confirms the importance of the constituent and it’s rules.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett16/8/2023 17:21Wed Aug 16 17:21:13 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1138

John Bangs has posted on the Facebook page that he has no objections to a committee of 16 and sees no reason why that couldn’t work. At the reconvened agm the new committee will be verified following the list of nominees being circulated. If John and the existing committee are happy with 16 then that’s fine with me. Happy to give it a chance to work.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo16/8/2023 18:03Wed Aug 16 18:03:20 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1118

Funny how you didn’t believe me but believe John Bangs. The decision for a committee of 16 is not John’s decision but was put by him, as chair, to the floor and was voted on by the supporters club members in attendance.
You seem to be another who misunderstands the role of the committee. These things are voted on by members and not a chairman’s decision.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett16/8/2023 18:45Wed Aug 16 18:45:59 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1085

Your view is that the votes at the agm means that the committee is in place .
My view is that the supporters club constitution 6.6 says that the list of nominations are sent to members with date of agm. Because of this your view is wrong and the committee is not in place based on the vote at the agm on 11th August

If we look what John Bangs has posted on the Facebook page he says ‘We need to complete the election process for the new committee. This is because we need to circulate the names to all members of those who have been proposed and seconded in advance of a final vote.’

So I consider I was right and rather I agree with John Bangs it appears he agrees with me.

In answer to Filipe re scrutinising KBH there is nothing to scrutinise because they don’t exist. As I have said numerous times I wish they did exist.

My view is remains that I think 16 is too many (not the only person judging by minutes of 2022)but if the 16 are all happy to work together then I wouldn’t vote against it and happy to see it given a go

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo16/8/2023 20:02Wed Aug 16 20:02:03 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1059

That wasn’t what happened at the AGM. It was voted that they’d all be elected onto committee. Wouldn’t be the first time the committee have been getting things wrong, hence why new committee members are desperately needed. I’m sure you can ask John what he thinks before replying.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett16/8/2023 20:16Wed Aug 16 20:16:37 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1126

I don’t need to ask John . He has put it in black and white as I have quoted. You cannot go against a process that is in the constitution. Argue it with him if you like, convince him he doesn’t need to send to members the list of nominations and there is no need for a final vote.

Three times you posted lengthy posts saying I was wrong which every time I have had to respond to say I disagree. I have a feeling how much explanation and proof I provide you will stick with you position and I don’t have a problem with that and I am happy to agree to disagree with you. The fact is he will send the nominations because it is a requirement of the constitution and there will be a final vote.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Filipo16/8/2023 18:21Wed Aug 16 18:21:08 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1101

Peter, if John says stop scrutinising the KBH will you also abide?

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By BUTLER$ Naked Butler (BUTLER$ Naked Butler)15/8/2023 12:22Tue Aug 15 12:22:58 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1282

Peter you really are the kid in the classroom who asked “Miss, when are you collecting our homework in?” Aren’t you?

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 12:27Tue Aug 15 12:27:11 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1326

I have gone up in the world. Over the next two weeks I am exam invigilating at Surrey Uni for the resits so I will be collecting the exam papers.
Full marks for being close

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Butler15/8/2023 11:37Tue Aug 15 11:37:31 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1292

Have you noticed that you’re the only one crying about the new committee members? Yes it may have previously said that to join the committee you had to have been put forward and seconded by 4th of August. But did I not also read somewhere that all AGM’s need to be conducted by 30th June? I notice you’re not throwing your toys out your pram about that.

All myself and the others are trying to do is help the club we love and try to prevent it from dying, make no mistake about it the club is well and truly on its arse! Instead of whinging like a bitch why not show some kind of encouragement and positivity to those actually trying to do something, anything to make sure we still have a team to support.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 12:03Tue Aug 15 12:03:05 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1249

Well that was a very diplomatic reply not from someone who maybe on the supporters committee. My point stands and unless you or anyone else can explain why I am wrong instead of going off totally unrelated.
If you think I am the only one whinging then you would have no problem with my suggestion of a vote for committee members compliant with an agreed process in advance.
Good luck with organising the supporters club coaches because, with that agressivecattitude I can’t see the existing committee members hanging around

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Damo15/8/2023 16:51Tue Aug 15 16:51:44 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1235

Why do you assume Butker’s Roke will be coach travel? As far as I know, the new committee have not met yet so no one will have been delegated roles. I would assume the person currently running the coaches would stay in that role, but that will be down for the new committee to decide.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By reximus15/8/2023 12:56Tue Aug 15 12:56:29 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1237

Peter, any errors in the conduct of the AGM last week (perceived or actual, material or immaterial) can be corrected when it reconvenes. A proposal to revise the constitution, and the names of those standing for election to the committee, will be circulated for consideration plenty of time in advance.


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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 13:06Tue Aug 15 13:06:58 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1233

That sounds the perfect solution and hopefully it will be sooner than later so that the new eight? Have the opportunity to be elected. If the agm was conducted correctly as per Damo this is clarified and confirmed a committee of 16. Thanks Rex

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By jon tolley15/8/2023 11:57Tue Aug 15 11:57:42 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1297

It’s easy to understand.

Peter really welcomes the new people but just really wants a system that doesn’t allow them

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Paddy (Paddy1)15/8/2023 19:38Tue Aug 15 19:38:48 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1175

Sounds proper Tory that

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Kingting (Ksuals)15/8/2023 20:33Tue Aug 15 20:33:27 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1173

It will sound like Labour by tomorrow


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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Paddy (Paddy1)15/8/2023 20:58Tue Aug 15 20:58:55 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1188

Agreed :,)

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Filipo15/8/2023 11:56Tue Aug 15 11:56:16 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1287

Don’t be the barrier to progress Peter.

First of all you came across as very critical to the KBH project.

Now you are doing something very similar with those who want to change how the supporters club is being run.

Can you not just put your energy into holding our board to account? You’ll have all our backing!

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett15/8/2023 12:07Tue Aug 15 12:07:56 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1239

I wasn’t critical of the KBH project, in fact the opposite I was disappointed they ceased to exist. In reply to Jon with spaces for 9 committee members there is space for all of the 8 to be elected.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Filipo15/8/2023 12:11Tue Aug 15 12:11:29 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1284

I said you came across as critical. Maybe have a read of what I wrote. Not just my opinion but that of others.

You clearly don’t want change and that’s fine, that’s your opinion but judging on your reply to Butler above and calling him ‘aggressive’ that’s just pathetic.

Some of us are not just going to plod along and watch our club die. We will use all that we have left our voice and our fan power. That’s with your backing or without it!

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By reximus14/8/2023 17:17Mon Aug 14 17:17:26 2023In response to Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1427

Peter, let's wait for John to circulate the minutes of Friday's meeting.

May I suggest it's a moot point whether the meeting will be an EGM or a re-convened AGM because, what you're suggesting is, in effect, what will happen. A proposal to revise the constitution, and the names of those standing for election to the committee, will be circulated for consideration in advance.

(And the current constitution is silent on the matter of any maximum number of committee members.)


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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Filipo14/8/2023 17:43Mon Aug 14 17:43:09 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1443

Peter if you care that much maybe attend the AGM?

Also if what you are saying is correct then the current committee haven’t been elected as they have to be by the members at the AGM.

Times are changing for the better!

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Peter Borrett14/8/2023 18:01Mon Aug 14 18:01:12 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1399

I advised John Bangs by email on 29th July that I was unable to attend the agm but don’t know I will be listed in the apologies for absence section.
If I didn’t care I wouldn’t be posting on here. The general view on here is that the directors should be seen to be operating correctly and surely that applies to the supporters club as well.. (if my assumption is correct that the 4th August cut off date wasn’t abided by.)
As Rex says there is nothing in the constitution limiting the number of committee members but , in my view, a committee of 16 is too many to operate at maximum effectiveness.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Korky114/8/2023 19:43Mon Aug 14 19:43:07 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1426

There were 7 apologies none were mentioned.

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Re: Notification of Supporters agm

By Filipo14/8/2023 18:33Mon Aug 14 18:33:13 2023In response to Re: Notification of Supporters agmTop of thread

Views: 1395

Well we did ask around making the meeting accessible online via zoom etc. Access/accessibility denied.

Moving forward we want fans to be part of this so we will ensure online access is available for those who are unable to attend in person.

The EGM will allow for rules changes/elections so hopefully you will be part of this going forward.

We will now be working collectively to try and save the club, something I’m sure everyone can agree on!

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Previous thread: Isthmian League - Premier Division results by Football Web Pages15/8/2023 21:52Tue Aug 15 21:52:33 2023view thread