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By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 10:33Sat Aug 26 10:33:10 2023

Views: 3770

On a previous thread Rosey , commenting on the new nominees to the supporters club committee says ‘ expect good things from their bold new plans’. Filipe says ‘yeah, there are plans, serious ones that involve trying to hold the board to account.
Not having seen the agm minutes it’s possible these plans are known to those attending the agm and will be noted in the minutes.

If not, and there are serious plans then should these be made known to those voting at the reconvened agm especially as there is a possibility of the 8 new nominees holding a potential majority vote on the committee.

As Filipe mentioned about engaging with supporters and obtaining their views is this not an ideal opportunity to put into practice. Let us know what these serious plans are?

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Re: Plans

By roseyw26/8/2023 11:26Sat Aug 26 11:26:20 2023In response to PlansTop of thread

Views: 2449

Absolutely Peter, minutes are being checked now, and Chairman is trying to book an evening for agm part 2. As for the 'plans in store', the new nominees brought a strong plan of change in direction, wanting yo change constitution to scrutinise, demand more details from directors about how they run the club, and even hinted at withholding sc raised funds unless it is spent exactly as they require. Those big changes obviously need constitution changes and therefore need to be opened to all members to have comments on.
That explains why this new committee will be a big change from previous committees and hope that answers filippo too.
Personally I am against the extremest change - to suggest Supporters club withhold money from our own main club seems very wrong, but I am asking all members to come or comment to the agm.

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Re: Plans

By Count Scarlioni26/8/2023 17:06Sat Aug 26 17:06:25 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2335

I feel sure that “demanding more information”’ will have the requisite effect

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 11:50Sat Aug 26 11:50:56 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2413

I don’t think withholding supporters club raised funds will have any influence. Looking at the supporters club accounts the balance is a small fraction of club running cost. If it’s not passed on assume just sits there and I if people want to give to the club , will find alternative route.rather than the supporters club.
There is a possibility a committee of 16 of working or is this the blind leading the blind and the supporters club of six months time won’t be as anybody envisaged.
I am not popular with many with my posts as the views I post is not what some want to hear. This is a forum and healthier for opposing thoughts

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Re: Plans

By reximus26/8/2023 11:44Sat Aug 26 11:44:35 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2389

It's not about "withholding" funds, it's about being more discerning about what it is spent on.

There is a feeling that currently the SC are handing money to the directors without it being spent how the supporters would want. While the directors are reducing the amount they put into the club, it seems a poor use of SC funds simply to replace that funding gap.

One of my first actions on the Committee will be to consult the supporters on how money is raised and how it is spent.


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Re: Plans

By Damo26/8/2023 13:20Sat Aug 26 13:20:02 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2431

Excellent point Rex, and one that was made very clear at the AGM. Peter would know that if he attended and will know that once he reads the minutes.
It would appear the SC has been raising funds and then just handing the money over to the Board without any accountability of how the Supporters money is being spent. The SC should have accountability for the money they raise.

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 11:58Sat Aug 26 11:58:36 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2370

Don’t disagree with that. Maybe funds called be channelled into a supporters stadium fund or something that is an addition rather , than as you say r, replacing. If that is an option the supporters club are more comfortable with..

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Re: Plans

By jon tolley26/8/2023 17:44Sat Aug 26 17:44:30 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2308

agree with the idea of that, but we should be more immediately concerned how much the already existing “stadium fund” is being reduced by

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Re: Plans

By Filipo26/8/2023 10:55Sat Aug 26 10:55:57 2023In response to PlansTop of thread

Views: 2395

Being the stickler for the rules that you are Peter, you will know that the current committee have to organise the EGM.

Did you ever ask the current committee or previous committees what their plans are? Or let me guess you just want to be that barrier to change/progress.

Don’t be that guy Peter!

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 11:12Sat Aug 26 11:12:42 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2342

I was a member of the supporters club committee when Colin Deadman was chairman.
I am , in this case , a stickler for your ‘rules’ as you said supporters should be engaged. Then you said there are serious plans. So think reasonable to ask if your ‘rule ‘ only applies to everyone else or if not then you will have no problem sharing these serious plans.

I wouldn’t necessarily expect you to use the forum but at the egm or reconvened agm you shouldn’t have a problem sharing these plans in advance of a vote.

If you said yes then respect. If it remains secretive beyond the egm/reconvened agm then you are not practising what you preach.

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Re: Plans

By Filipo26/8/2023 12:48Sat Aug 26 12:48:54 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2320

Again Peter, the new committee hasn’t even been formed so you need to calm down.

Nice dodging of the point where I asked about the previous committees plans. It’s they who have been secretive yet you for some reason want to ask for these grand plans from new people.

You can hear me and others in person about what we want to do. Does that satisfy you or do you want a full scale business plan?

I’ve volunteered to represent supporters views, something the current SC have failed to do. You don’t question them one bit. Most strange.

Anyway Peter, I’m your man on the inside. Here to represent your views.

Don’t be the barrier to progress Peter.

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Re: Plans

By FOLEY26/8/2023 17:30Sat Aug 26 17:30:19 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2267

Could I please also have a copy of the minutes.

Will they be e mailed ?

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 13:14Sat Aug 26 13:14:46 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2307

Previous committees have had an annual agm where the opportunity has been there for supporters club members to ask questions.
. I expect the minutes record items on agenda or under any other business.
I wouldn’t’ necessarily asked about plans from the new people but then you in the previous thread have said there are serious plans so , surely , it’s no surprise that I asked.
With regard to dodging questions will you be revealing these serious plans at the reconvened agm prior to the votes? If you are standing for the committee then I think you have a duty to do so. Not just for me , but for all and recorded in the minutes.

It good to know that when you post in response to someone you are calm but consider anyone who responds to you must be in a state of hysteria. Anyway I am very calm.

Disagreeing with John Bangs, I don’t agree to a committee of 16 and would be happier with a chairman and eight. With 4 previous and 4 new would be a good mix . It will, if more than 8 standing allow a vote with those elected being there on merit.

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Re: Plans

By roseyw27/8/2023 10:57Sun Aug 27 10:57:09 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2209

In previous committees the members are visible accessible and freely answer questions from all, because they/we have volunteered and been at mist games.

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Re: Plans

By Damo26/8/2023 13:33Sat Aug 26 13:33:13 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2319

Oh Peter.

Phil is correct, you are here (with Rosey) having a pop at the new committee already, while the old committee are still in charge. Take up your points with the previous committee or wait until the new committee take up their roles.

You’re here moaning about not being told about being able to ask questions at the AGM. This happened, you missed it. I think only about 30 supporters were in attendance. These will get the day because they bothered to turn up and vote in matters. Likewise, you missed the vote about whether to adopt all new nominees ees onto the current committee. This was a proposal by a member of the current committee and wasn’t raised by the floor. The floor voted in favour. Again, you’d know this if you were there.

You don’t get to suggest a committee comprised of 4 previous committee members and 4 new ones. If the passed motion from the last AGM to have 14 committee members changes and it’s decided to go with 8, it goes to a vote where members choose 8 people. The 8 most popular choices are in the committee. This could well be a 4 and 4 (if you want to use an ‘us and ‘ them scenario) ot could well be 8 new people having the highest votes. That’s how voting in a committee works. You may well find that your friends are voted off the committee, which is a good thought process as to why the current committee wanted the larger committee. They were worried they’d be voted off had it gone down to a vote. Indeed, when a vote for constitutional change is forthcoming, with that change being for the supporters club to hold the club board to more scrutiny, then a member of the supporters club committee whose husband is a board member could easily find herself being voted off the committee as it’s a clear conflict of interest.

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 13:47Sat Aug 26 13:47:35 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2329

All I am saying is that if someone is standing for the supporters club committee and they say publically they have serious plans then at the reconvened agm they should say what these serious plans are. If you don’t agree please explain why.

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Re: Plans

By Damo26/8/2023 16:06Sat Aug 26 16:06:11 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2273

How do you know that the Phil isn’t preparing these plans? Could be showing his hand early, bearing in mind that there’s a member of the committee whose husband is on the board.

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Re: Plans

By Filipo26/8/2023 15:28Sat Aug 26 15:28:12 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2306

Peter I don’t actually have to answer to you, despite what you think.

You’ve never posed the same question to those from the current committee who are standing. You seem obsessed with me and my ‘serious plans.’

So what if I chose to keep them secret? A serious plan could just be the basics of actually engaging with supporters, something your pals on the inner circle have failed to do.

I was asked to stand by a number of people as were others who’ve had enough.

You can keep coming back with your pathetic nit picking but for me this is a deflection tactic. You’ve not done the same with anyone else-I’m working on behalf of supporters to try and save this club. You won’t get in my way, trust me on that!

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 15:53Sat Aug 26 15:53:18 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2263

No one on the current or new nominees have said they have any plans let alone serious ones. Only you so you are the only one that can be asked. You are right you don’t have to answer to me and I haven’t asked for an answer to me. If you are standing for the committee and have serious plans you should say what they are at the reconvened agm. If anyone else standing new and old have firm thoughts on the wa6 forward they should express those as well. You said about engaging with supporters and hopefully you will do these at the agm with you serious plans.
You are the one that mentioned engagement. You are the one that mentioned serious plans. You are the to raise this with.
It’s not deflecting it’s direct to the source of those comments.
You could have said fair point and will be discussed further at agm than matter closed till then.

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Re: Plans

By Filipo26/8/2023 19:59Sat Aug 26 19:59:14 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2229

Peter even if my serious plan is to engage with the fans, then that is more than the current committee do.

Part of my serious plan is also to represent the views of supporters, hence why I am having the discussion with you.

What would you like me to do for the supporter’s club and what would you like me to ask the board?

Do I get your vote buddy?

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 20:40Sat Aug 26 20:40:35 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2224

I would like to see the supporters club committee organise a questionaire for all members to complete which will give a better insight to views.. Damo indicated there were about 30 at the agm of which the majority were the existing committee and new nominees. So probably 15 others out of possibly over 100. ( assuming membership over130).
My only question I would ask the board is what amount is ring fenced for a ground purchase. This, to date has been unclear with various figures mentioned.
Unless a more conciliatory environment can be created (all sides to be proactive creating this) then think any information will be minimal at best.
If all the nominees are agreed for the committee then a vote is not required. If there is a vote Inwould like to see a mix of old and new and before deciding I would want to hear what everyone has to say..

We need to work to bring people together.

I would favour, at some point, the club reverting to a members club with 100 plus having an equal say and inputting either time or money. I have firmer ideas in this direction but still in the thought process and too long winded for this reply.. I am not in favour of rich owners, community club ( my idea will have a community connection) , shareholders with differing levels of shares..

I hope that answers and gives my thoughts

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Re: Plans

By Kingting (Ksuals)26/8/2023 13:10Sat Aug 26 13:10:24 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2314

Why wouldn't someone who wants to be on the committee of the SC post on here what they feel a Supporters Club should try to achieve?


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Re: Plans

By Filipo26/8/2023 15:30Sat Aug 26 15:30:36 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2309

Why wouldn't someone who wants to be on the committee of the SC post on here what they feel a Supporters Club should try to achieve?

Exactly! Why have those on the committee for years never revealed their plans?

All will be revealed in due course! Don’t you worry!

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Re: Plans

By Count Scarlioni26/8/2023 18:26Sat Aug 26 18:26:10 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2287

Could it be that hitherto the supporters club have focused on supporting the club?

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Re: Plans

By Peter Borrett26/8/2023 13:24Sat Aug 26 13:24:38 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2343

Ksuals, if you are asking me that question. No reason why they shouldn’t post what they feel a supporters club should try to achieve.
Is there a reason why they wouldn’t post how they plan to achieve their aim. Then maybe. I don’t know There is a difference between what they hope to achieve which may have a good level of support and how they plan to achieve it which may not be so popular

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Re: Plans

By BUTLER$ Naked Butler (BUTLER$ Naked Butler)27/8/2023 02:07Sun Aug 27 02:07:24 2023In response to Re: PlansTop of thread

Views: 2229

Bland, Boring Borrett strikes again! Get over yourself Peter, this is a democracy, not a dictator$hip! We owe the board nothing, they owe the fans ANSWERS #AClubWithoutSupportersIsntAClub

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Previous thread: Isthmian League - Premier Division results by Football Web Pages26/8/2023 17:03Sat Aug 26 17:03:15 2023view thread