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Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 1086
As part of its efforts to boost attendances, the SC is keen to ensure that Kingstonian is an attractive option for ALL supporters.
And as a newly Affiliated member of the Football Supporters Association, we have been invited to attend an online Governance Surgery, next Weds 24th April, called Women's Voice in the Men's Game.
We are delighted that Adam Thompson, the Club's Equality & Diversity Officer, has accepted an invitation from the Supporters Club to attend. Please let the Secretary know if you would like to attend. We are very keen that one of our female supporters should join the call. ("Nothing about us, without us.")
Kingstonian Supporters Club
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 832
Does that mean you’ll be looking to get the club involved in Her Game Too. I’ve asked the club a few times
Neither witty or imaginative to have one
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 764
I'd like to see the club take part. Ive seen you highlight it on SocMed to the club.
Hopefully one of the new directors can champion this. Ultimately it should be the club taking ownership on issues like this
It's the Organs or the Craic, you can only serve one master
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 893
Fantastic, well done. Football is for everyone.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 870
Except for those that criticise the board and are negative it seems...
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 803
Well, fuck the board. I'm not convinced they watch much football anyway.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 716
That may be changing - at least for the director whose primary aim was to 'watch a team in red and white play in the borough'.
I’m delighted to announced that our new Kingstonian FC U18s Ladies team have been accepted to play in the Surrey County Women’s and Girls League.
I can also confirm that our ladies team home matches will be played at Hawker YMCA, Lower Ham Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 5BH.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 976
Perhaps the multiple posts on this forum saying “good riddance” to Rosey can be forwarded in advance as an example of best practice?
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 698
Rosey is “good riddance” because she’s been part of the poor running of the club, not because she’s a woman. What a foolish thing to write Nick. Why do you judge all women by the negative actions of one woman? That’s kind of the problem with men’s attitude to women’s football.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 801
For what it's worth whilst I don't agree with Roseys tunnel vision on the board or direction etc
She was there every match day and ran that club shop area efficiently.
She clearly is passionate about the club and in my own opinion is via rose tinted glasses. Similar to other board members who were previously SC about to have their personal finances rocked.
What I would say to Rosey is this:
Thank you for all you've done for the club shop.
Thank you for your backing of Kingstonian because I don't think it has been in the right way HOWEVER I think she has always done what she has thought was best at time.
I don't think there has ever been any malice to Roseys actions
Again to Rosey with the greatest respect let the fighters among us now take the fight for the future of Ks
It's the Organs or the Craic, you can only serve one master
Edited by JBreeze at 23:33:19 on 17th April 2024
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13 people
Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 664
Good points raised there
Some fights are not worth fighting over - wasting time, resources and energy over some means less for the important issues ahead
And we have to be thankful to many - it’ shows some grace - for the work of even those who criticise our efforts, views. Whatever their motives and intentions, some of us are better then pettiness
Neither witty or imaginative to have one
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 833
Nick, I think you are implying that there have been sexist or gendered or patriarchal comments levelled at Rosey on this forum.
I've just spend a few minutes searching the forum for anything that could fit those labels. The closest I can come up with is when someone described her as having a "hissy fit" (for quitting the SC Committee) - a comment which, whilst potentially patronising, when read in full was not accompanied by any other epithets that would identify it as sexist, and one which Rosey herself laughed off as "so childish it made me laugh".
Can I ask you to withdraw your slur? Or point out what I have missed?
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 728
Hi Rex,
For clarity I agree there have been no sexist, gendered or patriarchal comments on this forum and I was not accusing any individual of such behaviour
The participation in the scheme is laudable and to be welcomed. It was not my intention to undermine the participation in the scheme. But it has to be juxtaposed with the impression someone could reasonably have if they stumbled across this forum. They would see that pretty much the only regular woman participant on this forum who’s been an active club participant for decades being subjected to regular vitriol and being told on a regular basis that her withdrawal from active duty is “good riddance”.
If someone was to conclude that the K’s forum is one big boys club what could be said to refute this?
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 604
“I agree there have been no sexist, gendered or patriarchal comments on this forum”, then goes on to accuse anyone disagreeing with a woman must be part of “an old boys club”! Are you for fucking real? You’ve accepted there’s nothing sexual etc and then still accused people of being sexist. People can disagree with Rosey without being misogynistic toward her and can disagree with her because she’s an idiot, not because she’s a woman. Or do we have to accept everything Rosey says or does because of her gender, because that isn’t feminism. Who the fuck do you think you are coming onto the forum to accuse good people of something they aren’t guilty of!
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 690
Thanks Nick.
I agree. If we want to make Ks a welcoming space for everyone, it's not enough to avoid overtly sexist words or behaviours. We have to ensure that minorities (in this case, women) are positively made to feel welcome.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 694
I would say look to see if and how the posters reply to others they disagree with
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 808
Rosey could have a 10 inch schlong and be called Steve, and we’d still be happy to see her go, so don’t you dare play the gender card Nick, especially after the grief we’ve given the four MALE board members on here.
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 886
Sorry Nick, Rosey refused to work with the new committee. Anyone is allowed to express their opinions on here regardless of who they are.
The supporters club will play a key role in bringing alive a Kingstonian Women’s team.
Instead of making comments to undermine this work why don’t you get behind it?
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Re: Women's Voice in the Men's Game
Views: 629
"Instead of making comments to undermine this work why don’t you get behind it?"
These days people don't tend to care about how benevolent an initiative appears to be, they just care where it has come from.
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