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Next thread: Ks Twitter by Taimour6/8/2024 08:02Tue Aug 6 08:02:06 2024view thread
Clubs Twitter/X
Views: 887
The club has allegedly lost its twitter account and now it seems it's been replaced by @Kingstonian1885
All that history gone. Connections to fans lost. Past interactions with fans gone. They'll have to start again to rebuild the twitter following
I look forward to the piss up in the brewery next
It's the Organs or the Craic, you can only serve one master
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Re: Clubs Twitter/X
Views: 843
We'll need to scratch 'Kingstonian 1885' off the list of names for the phoenix club. A smart move from Yiorg and Jim.
Edited by WorcesterK at 09:48:30 on 6th August 2024
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Previous thread: SC Online Shop by Ks Supporters Club4/8/2024 15:53Sun Aug 4 15:53:19 2024view thread