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A possible way out of this mess?

By Cardiff Ks (reximus)11/10/2024 19:50Fri Oct 11 19:50:09 2024

Views: 1396

I fully expect this suggestion to get glossed over (or forgotten, in which case I'll come back to the idea in the days & weeks ahead) but...

I believe our best future lies in NOT seeing the Club collapse around Yioryos's ears. I want neither a phoenix club, nor a breakaway club. I want Ks reborn as a "community owned club" (whatever that means) without losing either our name, our history, our position in the pyramid, or dividing what few supporters we have remaining. I want a Ks that the current Board, and the Supporters Club, and the KBH, and everybody who's a fan of either camp, or none, can get behind and support and invest in.

If Yioryos doesn't reach out to us (and the statements and off-the-record briefings suggest a very hostile attitude indeed) then maybe the SC will propose "crisis talks" in a couple of week's time to see if a way forward can be reached. (Anybody wanna play the role of ACAS?)

Edited by reximus at 20:13:26 on 11th October 2024

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Peter Borrett11/10/2024 20:39Fri Oct 11 20:39:32 2024In response to A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1174

My preferred option, which I have mentioned before, is to have a members club with a community focus. 100 members paying £500 pa (incl season ticket) or £350 pa without season ticket raising £35 k plus. The members will have one vote each. In addition the supporters club would be given 10 votes and ten important volunteers one vote each. If there was a group within the members (I.e KBH) who were willing to be the directors and run the club then the members can vote for that to happen.
I would instigate special concessionary 10 year season ticket for players past and present that have played 100 plus games at perhaps £200 each.
This could raise £5k + incorporate a past players day per season.

There has to be a way that a large number have input and work together.

The sooner a format is proposed and has a broad consensus that will be a big first step

Hopefully others can come up with alternative ideas in this thread with how it would work and what the supporter involvement will be.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By SDG (SDG (Ks))11/10/2024 21:40Fri Oct 11 21:40:11 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1084

Some sort of fan ownership model may be the future one day but it's worth pointing out that £500 is our current patrons price. It includes hospitality as well but the website only lists eight patrons, two of whom are director/shareholders.

Even if the club was a happier place you aren't going to get anywhere near 100 people paying that sort of money, especially in the current economic climate.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Peter Borrett11/10/2024 21:55Fri Oct 11 21:55:48 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1064

Reach 100? Don’t know till you try . Non of the 13 KBH are patrons So 13 plus 8 patron we are a fifth of the way there.
That why I suggested what alternatives are there and if there are alternative the detail them with how the supporters will be involved
We can then weigh up the pros and cons of each one.
Patrons , for their money do not have any say how the club is run. If they did we may have more than 8 patrons

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Cardiff Ks (reximus)11/10/2024 21:50Fri Oct 11 21:50:17 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1030

I'm looking into a CIC model. Directors chosen annually by election. One member one vote. £1 minimum investment, but no maximum. Sponsors (and philanthropists!) welcome. Genuine community involvement and ownership.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Peter Borrett12/10/2024 08:29Sat Oct 12 08:29:51 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 842

Both your proposal and mine both enable a far broader involvement of supporters in the decision making , policies of the football club. Whatever format I would expect there are ways of incorporating the £xxx,xxx into the new format. If there was a vacuum and a group like the KBH came in to fill the void not disputing their qualities match the requirement. How would they more than encourage greater fan involvement. Would they invite more people to join their group or are there other ideas?
For all good efforts , are we to conclude the fans , under any administration, are going to be on the sidelines with often vague rumours of what’s going on?

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Korky112/10/2024 19:59Sat Oct 12 19:59:27 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 541

They were never on the side when my old boss JC was in charge,everyone was involved.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By jon tolley11/10/2024 21:55Fri Oct 11 21:55:19 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1016

I find it unimaginable that THIS board would give up a private limited company with £xxx,xxx of cash available to draw down just because it’s the right thing to do

but. before the inevitable new club is formed we have to know we exhausted every possible other option.

so a sincere good luck with it

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Peter Borrett11/10/2024 22:20Fri Oct 11 22:20:09 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1003

This raises an interesting question. Though I have a strong financial background company law is a bit low on my reader.
So the £xxx,xxx of cash which , at the moment , is ringfenced and therefore conditional. So if Kingstonian fc Ltd manage to build a ground using the £xxx,xxx then the assets will have far more value than at present. due to no conditions. Whoever has the shares in Kingstonian fc Ltd could sell their shares at a greater return to whoever who then can do a Khoslas and sell on at a greater profit to someone whose interest is not Kingstonian. Or am I mistaken and the conditions relating to the AFC money continue after the ground is built.
Could this be a reason why the present board would be willing to give up their shareholding?

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By jon tolley12/10/2024 09:56Sat Oct 12 09:56:41 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 776

I don’t think any of this matters cos we’re just talking fairyland

Until the tap of cash is turned off, there’s no chance of the directors changing the structure.

My belief is the only way to save Kingstonian as we know it, is to take away the cash being relied on so lazily. then there’ll be a need to look at a different structure.

without it, we might as well just wish away the season / club.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Alastair12/10/2024 10:09Sat Oct 12 10:09:15 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 749

Exactly Jon. We need EVERYBODY to join the supporters club, and most especially lapsed fans who’ve stopped coming due to this and the previous board’s wasted decade of mismanagement.

If we can get enough people in the supporters club, I think that then allows the leadership to go to AFCW and say “we don’t want you to release any more money to Kingstonian Football Club Limited”. Surely they of all clubs could understand that.

If that can be achieved, the house of cards will crumble almost immediately. But while these charlatans can dip into the womble pot to cover up their own total incompetence, they’re not going to go anywhere.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Peter Borrett12/10/2024 10:06Sat Oct 12 10:06:53 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 738

So the third option is do nothing

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Alastair12/10/2024 10:11Sat Oct 12 10:11:36 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 967

We can only do two things, Peter, potentially simultaneously:

1, Keep (and increase) the pressure on Kingstonian FC Limited. The key here is a public campaign to stop accesss to the Wimbledon money in my view.

2, Prepare actively for the worst, ie an Enfield Town where the original directors stubbornly hold on. I do think we need to start preparing for this scenario.

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By Cardiff Ks (reximus)11/10/2024 22:29Fri Oct 11 22:29:43 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1109

This is why we questioned the Board at our recent meeting, about the rumours we had heard, that they planned to create a separate company to own any new ground. (The "Khosla model".)

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By JamieB (JBreeze)11/10/2024 21:49Fri Oct 11 21:49:34 2024In response to Re: A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 997

They may do if it included some ownership of the club and even then it could perhaps be taken in installments

Alot of fans put in extra anyways via 50 50 or player/match sponsorship to help out.


It's the Organs or the Craic, you can only serve one master

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Re: A possible way out of this mess?

By supahoops711/10/2024 20:17Fri Oct 11 20:17:32 2024In response to A possible way out of this mess?Top of thread

Views: 1179

Totally agree. Its a sound proposition and idea.
You might need someone more independant and stronger
than Acas to sort this out.

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Previous thread: Hayes and Yeadding A Warning by LiamKs12/10/2024 07:17Sat Oct 12 07:17:06 2024view thread