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Curiosity question

By PC Copper13/10/2024 12:56Sun Oct 13 12:56:19 2024

Views: 1440

When the Chairman is said to have told people to go forth and multiply there is outrage.

Yet, it seems to be "acceptable" to tell fellow supporters with different views the same and this is ok.

I don't get that.

Surely the idea of a forum is to share and debate ideas without resorting to personal abuse?

Otherwise, what is the difference between the current and perhaps future ownership?

I'm right and you're wrong and you can eff off if you don't agree with me doesn't seem to work, does it?

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Re: Curiosity question

By JM13/10/2024 13:21Sun Oct 13 13:21:01 2024In response to Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 1235

Yeah, think this is a fair question/point.

Although there have definitely been people on here repeatedly spouting the same misinformation over and over - be that through ignorance or malice - which is pretty draining.

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Re: Curiosity question

By jon tolley13/10/2024 13:19Sun Oct 13 13:19:35 2024In response to Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 1319

for me, I don't mind the swearing.
it's not big and clever, but if someone, as co-board member wrote below, "bites" after provocation, then fair enough, no biggie.

The issue is saying "it's my club, not your's".

thinking like that doesn't just happen. it's a developed position. it's his actual view. he just said the quiet bit out loud. and that's why things have changed. hard to want to give a penny more cash from me (or Banquet) until he's gone,

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Re: Curiosity question

By Korky114/10/2024 16:49Mon Oct 14 16:49:55 2024In response to Re: Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 1048

Well said.

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Re: Curiosity question

By Cardiff Ks (reximus)15/10/2024 23:23Tue Oct 15 23:23:19 2024In response to Re: Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 2425

Yes and no.

Firstly, the severity of his language. Nobody in 2024 is really shocked any more by the word "fuck". But repeatedly calling someone a "cunt" (especially in front of their child) crosses a line, in my opinion.

Secondly, don't we expect better from a Club official, especially the Chairman? Nobody agreed with Yioryos when he shouted abuse at Alan Dowson a few years ago. But equally nobody challenged his right as a supporter to say it.

He's the Chairman now. The same Chairman who threatened to impose lengthy bans on supporters for negativity and advise, remember. I think he's let himself down and the Club, too. I think he's not fit to be Chairman.

Edited by reximus at 23:25:22 on 15th October 2024

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Re: Curiosity question

By Korky116/10/2024 19:44Wed Oct 16 19:44:23 2024In response to Re: Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 823

Well said ,that's what this club has sunk too,the mutterings of an idiot.

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Re: Curiosity question

By Mike (KsMikey)16/10/2024 12:02Wed Oct 16 12:02:54 2024In response to Re: Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 1179

Seriously? Didn’t realise he had used the c-word

That’s awful in itself but in front of children (and his own) …?


Neither witty or imaginative to have one

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Re: Curiosity question

By BUTLER$ Naked Butler (BUTLER$ Naked Butler)16/10/2024 17:09Wed Oct 16 17:09:13 2024In response to Re: Curiosity questionTop of thread

Views: 1130

Takes one to know one I suppose…

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Previous thread: Last night. by old and grey16/10/2024 14:55Wed Oct 16 14:55:25 2024view thread